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Book Authors…

From Barbara Fischer Binstock,


I began independent publishing in 1963 with Penman
There was no Google or Amazon back then.
Authors published their own writing in any medium they
could afford. We’ve come a long way since then!


As printing means became more affordable the Small
Independent Press was born and gained
But some had big advertising budgets and
equipment than others, college presses for example.


The Small Press (or ‘Little Magazine”) was a place
where new authors were free
to expose their awesome works,
creating an exciting new world
of literary expression (without
waiting for a ‘publisher.’)


Authors sent their ‘indie’ self-published materials
to anyone who’d review them. Like all media, then
and now, bias krept in and prevented certain writers
from becoming recognized. Money always influenced
the influencers. 

Penman Magazine was part of a bright a new era…
respecting independent self-published authors
sharing a slice of their life with you, prior to Amazon
and Google.


Poets were telling me, a fellow poet, how they enjoyed
the poetry I published and asked me to help the poets
reach a larger audience. Their support was huge because
poetry was badly neglected. Between 1963 and 2003 I
had published thousands of desserving poets.


My poetry anthologies had no bias other than literary
merit and wholesome family values. Sadly, a lot of fraud
and deception krept into the industry due to a few greedy
crooks. They published thick volumes of meritless poetry,
where your poem will never be seen if it good. due to
being buried in hundreds of pieces of drivel.

Poets who had been rejected by traditional literary journals
everywhere, rather than study and learn about quality poetry,
fell for the false praise of a scam artist who only had to
shower them with false praise to get their money. No one
can stop the crooks.They’re still fed by egocentrics.


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